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segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2012

The art is inconvenient

There are people who do not know the measure of words, how can they forget to put people in a frock, causing problems with words or how they are told.

I know some people so do not be careful what you say, always doing the most inappropriate way possible to become an inconvenience exacerbated.

Any word in the mouths of people unhappy with this gift can cause more damage that a nuclear war, can create any number of problems which should not comment or wrong way or at the wrong time.

Knowing the steps in the words and avoids all unhappiness is synonymous with education and political knowledge.

Words hurt, hurt the pride and disrupt friendships and family relationships.

Know how to use them for their own benefit or that of others is an art that few have, politicians use it as none but a few that can make a sentence a war or peace depending on interest.

The person I have in mind when writing these lines never uses words to create peace, your intention may not be the best in the end nothing was said came out as an innocent and childlike, always gets the bitter taste of inappropriate words.

Fortunately the weather is a great ally for those who have to live with people problems, learn to overcome situations and not appreciate the "sweet words" uttered by them. Great care is, sooner or later end up being victims of these people.

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